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We strongly recommend and advise the clinical professional community, health and social care regulators and the Oireachtas to consider the law including any necessary constitutional change and related administrative, legal and clinical guidelines in relation to the management of inevitable miscarriage in the early second trimester of a pregnancy including with prolonged rupture of membranes and where the risk to the mother increases with time from the time that membranes are ruptured including the risk of infection and thereby reduce risk of harm up to and including death. if one was to save mothers and follow evidence-based medicine the main change needed to include changing the law because their evidence-based medical recommendations couldn’t be implemented unless the fetal heartbeat law was changed.

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The Ireland and Directorate of Quality and Clinical Care, “Health Service Executive: Investigation of Incident 50278” said repeatedly that this kind of situation was “inevitable” because of how common it was for women in the 2nd trimester to have miscarriages. You might think that’s an overstatement, but that was the Doodle pattern converse shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this same conclusion that the final report by the overseeing agency stated. Doodle pattern converse shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt Savita Halappanavar, a dentist, in the 2nd Trimester, went in with complications and was told by a consultant at the hospital “Because of our fetal heartbeat law – you will not be allowed to have an abortion” and that law killed her. Savita’s case was the spark that finally forced the government to give us a referendum and it passed with more support than even marriage equality did. A shit ton of shady money came in from US Christian cultists to the Irish Christian far right. I expect to see the same tactics and arguments are going to get used. It was also infuriating that a large part of the anti-choice movement was financed by American lobby groups, apparently. Welcome to the Doodle Champion Island Games Over the coming weeks, join calico (c)athlete Lucky as she explores Doodle Champion Island: a world filled with seven sport mini-games, legendary. The pro-choice campaign was called “In her Shoes/Women of the 8th” (8th amendement to the Irish constitution banned abortions, and lots of people shared their stories. It was a very big deal and I am glad the Irish people were finally done with this BS, but unfortunately too late for Savita. Her water broke 5 weeks before viability meaning the baby could not survive. You missed the Doodle pattern converse shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this first sentence of the comment. Why was she destined to die might I ask? I can’t tell by your comment (maybe I’m just blind who knows), I’m just curious.

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