Iptables -I INPUT -p UDP -i `nvram get wan_ifname` -dport 68 -sport 67 -s -j logaccept
However, the download stops at the following point of my logs. I went ahead anyway and entered the iptable entry below. I've enabled logging, but did not see any drops. When I turn it on, the downloads stop after 10 min or less (everytime the lease renews). When I turn off the firewall, the downloads work. I'm having the same issue of long time (>10 min) downloads stalling out. Posted: Sun 17:14 Post subject: Same issue, but IPTABLE entry does not fix If you don't want to type in all the settings again then just do a backup before you try something new. Pretty much any configuration problem can be solved by doing a hard reset so don't worry so much. Am new to DD-WRT and router configuration in general so guess I am a little afraid of doing something that causes to much problems that I can handle.

If the command didn't work then say so rather than asking how to do a simple task of saving the firewall script.